Book Bag Rating: Maybe
This is a story about an uber-suburban housewife who decides to get some pot for a weekend trip with her family. She is on the PTO. She volunteers. She ferries her kids to and from all kinds of activities. She makes healthy meals. She belongs to a farm co-op. She is the picture of super-mom. The ironic part is she buys $500 worth of pot so she can share with a friend who happens to be her attorney's wife. After smoking a joint in a public park she puts the pot in the pouch of the seat behind her and proceeds to go pick up her kids (and a friend's). She wasn't supposed to pick up the kids but when a friend is delayed she goes. On the way she has a significant car accident. The accident is proven not to be her fault but the other driver dies and she has pot in her car and in her system.
The rest of the book is about the chain of events that occur after her subsequent arrest and release.
I liked the first half of the book but then I found the story to go flat in a bunch of ridiculous coincidences. The ending winds things up a little too perfectly.
This should have been a more dirty, gritty story. This seemed to be a sanitized version of what could happen.
The last few pages especially really irked me. Did these people learn anything?
I read this pretty quickly so it did hold my interest but I stopped enjoying it around page 185.