It took me a few days to digest this story before I could write this review. It was an easy read about a complicated subject. Keep in mind that I have not yet read The Handmaid's Tale (I'm reading it now), and some say this story is a lesser version of that book.
The way I decide how much I like a book is how often I try to steal away minutes to keep reading. This book did that to me. I found myself daydreaming at work about when I could read it again. It kept me turning pages late into the night.
It is set in the not so distant future when Fundamentalist Christians have asserted way too much influence over the government and Roe vs. Wade has been overturned. Due to overcrowding in prisons and a crumbling infrastructure a new form of punishment is developed. It is called chroming. Chroming is the injection of a virus that turns a person's skin a color. There are different colors for different crimes. Those who are chromed are shunned by society and despite being free of prison they are imprisoned by hate and discrimination.
Hannah has been chromed red which is for murder. She is a very likable character which some reviewers found difficult. They didn't want to like her or feel sorry for her. I didn't feel sorry for her. She was strong and owned up to her decisions and as result paid a heavy price. I liked her and respected her. I wanted her to be okay. The contradiction that the fundamentalists seem to miss is that redemption is always possible.
I loved what Simmone tells Hannah before they part. She told her that "her" God is merciful and loves her no matter what. I believe in that same God. For Hannah that was a hard concept.
I really liked this book but after I read The Handmaid's Tale I may change my mind. I liked the combination of basic human nature with a sci-fi twist. The scariest part about this book no matter what your personal views are, is this could happen. There are many fundamentalists out there that would think this all makes sense...As conservative as I am, I would worry about a society like this, but some people already live this way.