Saturday, May 26, 2012

Defending Jacob


I loved this book.  This is the story of Jacob a misfit high school student who is accused of murdering another student who bullied him at school.  Jacob's father is an ADA and is put in charge of the murder case until Jacob becomes the prime suspect.  It is not an easy story.  What makes this story different from the usual Dad defends son story is the fact that Jacob might actually have done it.  Throughout the trial Andrew and Laurie, Jacob's parents, must face certain truths about themselves and their family and more tragically about their son.  Andrew must face the demons of his past and revisit the family he thought he had left behind.  Is there such a thing as a murder gene?  Can murder be hereditary?  This fact is explored by the prosecution.  After the trial I thought the story would be over, but it's not.  The ending is a surprise and I actually gasped.  If you enjoy crime dramas you will enjoy this story. 

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