Book Bag Rating: Read it!
The Help is a story set in 1962 Mississippi where the division among blacks and whites remained pre-civil war like. The story is told from the perspective of Skeeter a 20 something cotton plantation daughter who aspires to be a journalist rather than just a Junior League wife and two maids Minny and Aibileen. Both of these maids have so many layers to their characters. Skeeter and the maids work together to write a book about what it is like to be a maid in Mississippi. Through telling their story the women change. Preconceptions are lost and mutual respect is born.
The relationships are complex. Hearts are broken and secrets are kept and then revealed. I enjoyed the way the story unfolded and I liked the fact that Skeeter remains brave and true to herself. My only criticism is in the ending. While I know historically how things turn out, I really wanted more of an ending for the three women. I wanted to follow them into old lady-hood and find them sipping tea together and talking about old times. I'm a sucker for a happy ending.