Wednesday, June 9, 2010

On Folly Beach

Book bag rating: Read it!

I loved this book from start to finish. It is a great beach read that takes place at the beach. The author weaves a story from the past with the present. Usually when a book is written this way, I like one story line and not the other so I find myself speed reading one half and savoring the other. That was not the case with this book I loved both parts. The stories are set on Folly Beach in South Carolina. One story follows the lives of sisters Maggie and Lulu and their cousin Cat during World War II and the other follows Emmy an Afghanistan widow who moves to Folly Beach after buying Folly's Finds a book store once owned by Maggie. Part of the purchase of the bookstore includes allowing cranky old Lulu to sell bottle trees from the store.

While working through her grief, Emmy discovers secrets that have remained hidden since the 1940s. These secrets include Nazi spies, murder, infidelity, forgiveness, love and bravery. Through her discoveries Emmy realizes that she has much in common with the old and cranky Lulu. More importantly she learns how to say her first last goodbye...

The author paints a beautiful picture of Folly Beach and her inhabitants that made me want to visit. I learned things about World War II that I did not know and I learned about bottle trees. I really enjoyed this story and have decided Karen White is one of my favorite authors.

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